
Donate to Pathway to Freedom Today

Pathway Partner
A Pathway Partner is a donor who commits to give up to, or in excess of, $100 per month or $1,000 yearly.
Sponsor a Member

To operate the PTF Program, it costs $2,953 per member per year. Member sponsors cover this annual cost for one member.

Other Giving Options
Give any amount of your choice! Consider these options: $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, or other amount. 
Pathway To Freedom is privately funded and receives no government funding for its operations or staff salaries. All contributions to PTF are tax deductible! Your investment will help keep offenders from re-offending and will help them utilize their new skill sets and values to be responsible, productive citizens.​

How to Donate

Donating to the members of PTF is easy. Click the button below, specify the amount you would like to donate, and put in the necessary information.

*user notice: to pay without creating a PayPal account uncheck "save your info" under billing address

Prefer to Send In Your Donation?

You can also mail your donations to us!
Pathway to Freedom, Inc.
17200 Chenal Parkway, Ste.300-319
Little Rock, AR 72223
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